We are thrilled to announce that the 2024 National Series will have $9,000+ in season ending prizes! See the full break down below!
***Championship Point Standings Payout/Prizes***
1st - $1,000, NLR F-GT Elite 160 Cockpit & ERS2 Seat
2nd - $650, NLR GTrack & Single Monitor Stand
3rd - $400, NLR FGT & HF8
4th - $250, NLR FGT & Single Monitor Stand
5th - $200, NLR FGT Lite
6th - $150
7th - $125
8th - $100
9th - $75
10th - $50
***End of Season Awards***
Aim Sports Data Most Fast Laps: $25, NLR GTLite Pro
CBR Cleanest Driver Award: $25, NLR GTLite Pro
Most Popular Driver: $50, NLR GTLite Pro
As a bonus for this season, each race will have a optional $10 entry fee. Again, totally optional! The top 3 drivers who paid the entry fee from that race will receive a payout! Break down below! (Driver does not have to finish top 3 in the race)
Each Race Payout (Optional) - $10
1st - 50% of purse
2nd - 30% of purse
3rd - 20% of purse
There is a mandatory $25 Entry Fee for the 2024 National Series.
Get signed up today to be part of the action and win some prizes!
Registration - https://forms.gle/rddoXG5HnS2AuxgFA